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Oceans Continuum Care

Oceans Healthcare is committed to supporting patients and residents through face-to-face and alternative visits.

Our behavioral health specialists are available in person, via telephone or video conference to see individuals in nursing homes, seniors living facilities and other residential care settings.

If admission to Oceans Behavioral Hospital or another inpatient psychiatric facility is recommended, a behavioral health specialist can assist to ensure an efficient and timely transfer.

Bringing Care to You

Oceans Behavioral Hospital supports patients in need of behavioral health services, no matter where they reside.

We treat patients experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, dementia, behavioral changes related to medication management or substance abuse, and other behavioral issues. Our behavioral health specialists are available to see individuals in nursing homes, acute-care hospitals, senior living facilities and other residential facilities.

What We Treat

Through our inpatient behavioral services and intensive outpatient programs, Oceans Behavioral Hospital offers comprehensive treatment to help patients at every stage of the healing process. Patients experiencing the following may be eligible for admission:

  • Prolonged emotional issues after a major life event
  • Behavioral changes related to medication(s)
  • The onset of behavioral issues later in life
  • The worsening or escalation of lifelong behavioral issues
  • Behavioral side effects of Alzheimer’s or dementia

What We Offer

  • Access to board-certified and licensed mental health physicians and nurse practitioners in patient’s current care setting
  • On-site mental and behavioral health evaluations
  • Detailed review of treatment options following a thorough evaluation
  • Early-intervention strategies to ensure patients receive care in the right treatment setting
  • Comprehensive treatment recommendations
  • Coordination with primary care physicians and other health care specialists

Oceans Continuum Care can support:

  • Medication management
  • Antipsychotic utilization review
  • PRN utilization management
  • Assistance with Gradual Dose Reduction (GDR)
  • Level II quarterly reviews for Office of Behavioral Health Compliance
  • Temporary 142 psychiatric oversight visit documentation
  • Acute behavior management
  • Added intervention available for individuals with weight loss and/or increased falls
  • Psychiatric evaluations

Schedule A Consultation

To request a visit from an Oceans specialist, please call 888-302-5980.